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Unlocking Value: The Vital Role of Proper Startups in Wastewater Treatment Projects

  • Florida - Florida Professional Engineers – Live Webinars ONLY
  • Georgia - Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS)
  • Maine - Local Plumbing Inspectors
  • Maine - Site Evaluator
  • Maine - Voluntary Certification for On-Site System Contractors
  • Massachusetts - Soil Evaluator
  • Massachusetts - System Inspectors
  • National Environmental Health Association - NEHA
  • Nebraska - Onsite Wastewater System Contractors
  • New Hampshire - Designers & Installers
  • New York - Land Surveyors
  • New York - Professional Engineers

Join us for a FREE live webinar hosted by Infiltrator Water Technologies featuring members of our team. Please note all webinar times are Eastern Standard time.

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We might think instructing contractors to simply switch on the system will suffice, right? Hold on, it's not that simple. By the end of this presentation, you'll grasp why a proper startup is invaluable for all involved parties. The time and effort invested in turning theory into reality, along with the opportunity to impart essential knowledge, are unmatched during a startup. Design engineers, manufacturers, and contractors all stand to gain from earnest participation in such an event. Join us to understand why the significance of a startup cannot be overstated.


Speaker Biography

Nevin Bretz, Project Support Specialist

Nevin Bretz is a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana. He is currently a Project Support Specialist for commercial wastewater treatment solutions for Infiltrator Water Technologies. He devoted almost 15 years designing control panels for the water, wastewater, and oil and gas markets at a panel shop in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. During that time, he has become fluent in troubleshooting and startups from simple pump stations to entire water/wastewater plants. That knowledge and experience along with a proficiency in instrumentation carried over to Pipe Tech where Nevin obtained certifications in training classes on electric motor operators, controls, and valves. Using a combination of high speed pressure analyzers and KY Pipe software, Nevin studied hydraulic pressure transients and how to solve water hammer problems. From there, Nevin spent several years at Delta Process Equipment (a DXP company) performing startups, training, and troubleshooting on municipal and industrial equipment. He became fluent in centrifugal air compressors from 400HP to 2,000HP.

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