Case Studies
The communities surrounding Lake Martin in Alabama rely on decentralized wastewater treatment. Much of this infrastructure has been developed utilizing products manufactured by Infiltrator Water Technologies.
A new AutoCamp glamping facility just outside the west entrance to Joshua Tree National Park in San Bernardino, California required a wastewater treatment system that could handle daily flows from the 55 Airstream campers estimated at 100 gallons per day (GPD) per Airstream.
This family resort features skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, camping, a mountain coaster and more. The resort needed to replace an existing septic system that was deemed a failure.
The town of Geraldine, Alabama has a population of approximately 1,100 people and needed a wastewater treatment system that was easy to operate and that could be expanded to accommodate future population growth.
The town of Section, Alabama is in the northeast corner of the state and has a population of 770. Local septic systems did not meet current requirements and the town needed a 30,000 gallon per day wastewater treatment system to process the domestic waste produced by both residential and commercial entities.
Extended Aeration Unit Solves Wastewater Treatment Challenge at Hawaiian Resort
First Infiltrator Advanced Treatment Leachfield (ATL) in St. Joseph County, Indiana Solves Limited Site Challenges for Residential Replacement System
Package Treatment Plant Enables Expansion and Reduces Maintenance at Texas RV Park
Package Sewage Treatment Plant Replaces One in Service for More Than 35 Years at Louisiana Community Park