Infiltrator offers live webinars highlighting topics in the onsite wastewater industry on the third Wednesday of every month. Recordings of all live webinars are available to view here. Webinars are pre-approved for credit hours in select areas.
Upcoming WebinarsState Accredited WebinarsPast Webinars
Upcoming Webinars
Grease Interceptor Design and Installation Considerations
his webinar aims to provide an educational overview of topics such as types of food service establishments, the different kinds of grease interceptors, and the various methods for sizing them. Also covered during the presentation is a brief overview of the regulatory landscape, and finally how to properly operate and maintain a grease interceptor.
Specifying Solutions: A Guide to Wastewater Treatment Design and Product Choice
This presentation will cover the design of onsite wastewater systems from the evaluation of these site conditions, to the available products and technologies, to the design itself.
Encore: Worst Case Scenario: Design and Installation considerations for Difficult Sites
Decentralized system engineers, designers, contractors, and regulators often encounter challenging sites. The challenges include limiting layers, tight soils, high water table, site elevations, steep slopes, set-backs, maximum system depths (system soil cover) contaminants of emerging concern, and environmentally sensitive areas to name a few. This presentation will discuss possible solutions to these challenging site conditions.
Past Webinars
Sampling Onsite Wastewater Systems
Role of Onsite in Sustainable Community Development
Pipes, Pores, and Other Pathways – Hydraulic Engineering Principles for Onsite Installers
Specifying Combined Treatment and Dispersal (CTD) for Commercial Applications
What the Future Holds for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
Characterizing Commercial High Strength Wastewater
Worst Case Scenario: Design and Installation considerations for Difficult Sites
Drip Fundamentals and Applications
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